What is concrete release agent?

Posted by Mr. Ecoratio on 03-02-20

what is concrete release agent ecoratio

With the help of a concrete release agent in the concrete industry, concrete elements are released from the forms and molds that are mainly made from plywood, overlaid plywood, aluminum or steel. In this article you read more about concrete release agents.

Concrete release agents are needed during concrete production to prevent the concrete elements from sticking to the molds. Every release agent can be used to release the concrete, but not all concrete release agents give the same good results. It can even damage the quality of the concrete.

Common problems are:

You can read how you can prevent these problems in our quality guide for concrete production:

Quality Guide in Concrete Production

Harmful substances in concrete release agents

In addition, most concrete release agents contain dangerous substances such as solvents that make the unloading process of the concrete elements easier. The most commonly used harmful substances are:

  • Petroleum / Gas oil;
  • Turpentine;
  • White spirit;
  • Benzene;
  • Nitrates;
  • Aromatic mineral oil;
  • Alkylphenol ethoxylates;
  • Disaromatised hydrocarbons;
  • Nonylphenols.

As a supplier of concrete release agents, we believe it is important that the products we supply are also safe for the people and the environment. Many different release agents are used in the concrete industry, one more harmful than the other.

At Ecoratio we attach great importance to the well-being of people and the environment. We believe it is important that the user of our products is not at risk. Mainly vegetable oils and label-free raw materials are used for the production of our release agents. The products of Ecoratio are non-flammable and odor-neutral.

Environmentally friendly release agents

What is concrete release agent? 

It can be said that concrete release agents are essential for the production of concrete elements. There are different types of agents available on the market, but we advise you to look at the quality of the concrete release agent. The environmentally friendly concrete release agents assure you of high-quality concrete finishes, such as the video below: 

Do you want to know more about concrete release agents or experience for yourself how Ecoratio's concrete release agent can improve your production process? Then contact one of our sellers: 

I want to know more about concrete release agents



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